Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Sick Individual Look Here!

As everyone has heard, the FDA has once again asserted that the anthrax vaccine is safe and effective - the fradulent battle continues. As always, per my guidelines, I'm once again requesting from those ill permission to use your information for legal, congressional and media purposes.
Whether you've responded "okay" before in the past or not, please continue to do so, so I'm not releasing anyone's information that you don't want released. To make sure our information is updated, please send me your permission as well as:

address (complete):
tel # (home):
tel # (cell):

email address:

dates of anthrax vaccine:

diagnosis/symptoms (dates, even if approximate):

VAERS report filed?:

By whom? (include dates, even if approximate):

DoD disability rating? (include dates, even if approximate):

VA disability rating? (include dates, even if approximate):

This message needs to go far and wide - we need a lot of responses. The above applies to anyone that can document that they received the anthrax vaccine (even GWV's) - as well as anyone that may have also received a "cocktail" of immunizations, as long as the anthrax vaccine can also be documented.

Please respond as soon as possible. As always, any questions, please feel free to email or call me.

Randi Airola


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Copyright © 2004 Vaccine A Resource Center, Inc.

for More Information Contact:

Vaccine A Resource Center, Inc.
Suite 506
Lawton, OK 73505


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